Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cinco De Mayo

To celebrate the 5th of May ;), we went to Bryan and Marci's for dinner. They said it was mostly an excuse to get together! It was actually nice outside, so it was fun to be outside and talk. We are being as patient as possible waiting for Summer,,,,hint hint!!

Bryan pressure cooked the meat so it would pull apart really well for the fajitas! It was very good!

What's Cinco de Mayo without a virgin margarita!
Taggart had lots of fun playing with Grandma. He is still trying to decide what he thinks about crawling on the grass when he can feel it on his legs. It's hilarious to watch his face!

I love how you can see the little fat crease in his knee!
It seems like we always have pictures of Taggart eating, but he is so cute while he eats that we have to take em. He is still such a good eater and loves to eat anything, but if he sees you with something sweet he's sure to follow you around until you give him a taste!

Trying an olive

Playing with grandpa
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Burk for inviting us to have dinner, we had lots of fun.

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