Monday, August 9, 2010

Second Baby Shower/ Third Baby Shower!


Hayden Poch

It's a boy now???!!!

So crazily I went to my ultra sound at 34 weeks, my dr does them at the end just to make sure the baby is down, and the fluid levels are looking good. I am so glad he did, cuz low and behold we saw boy parts on the ultrasound. I thought I would die!! It was crazy, because that morning I had told Billy that I wouldn't be surprised if we went and got told that we were really having a boy. But we got over the shock and were able to trade all the cute girl things for cute boy things, although there are definitely more cute girl things.
Grace, Lilly, and Ava did the second shower for me. They let me invite all of my friends from down this way, and I was able to invite people from my old ward. It was alot of fun to see so many people and to get so many fun things. It was good to see Karla, Rachel, Leah, and Breck since I never get to see them. I am grateful for all the love that everyone showed in bringing stuff for us and our baby.
I just tried to put more pictures on but my camera died
Marci did the other baby shower and we just invited her side of the family. We got lots of stuff there too, sadly I did not take any pictures but Katy did, and she got some really bad ones of me, way up close. I'm glad I don't have copies lol. We got our car seat/stroller combo there and then we were set for the baby to come whenever!

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