Monday, June 6, 2011

Moving is so not fun!!!!!

This time to prepare for moving, we started a lot sooner trying to box as much stuff up as we could. Taggart even helped a little bit! I don't know why the thought of packing is so miserable, because unpacking is so much worse.

I think Tagg was wondering what we were doing with all of our stuff!
We were grateful that my parents paid for us to rent a UHAUL, that saved a lot of stress; as well as knowing Billy's dad, Marci, Wes, and Katy were going to be able to help us load and unload. We were pretty proud of ourselves and in how ready we were to just pack up the stuff and leave. It was a blessing, because Taggart slept in that morning til after 10:00 and played happily in his high chair the whole time we were loading!

Our plan was for me and Tagg to stay at our old place and clean while he took a nap, but since it only took one hour to load up, we brought Tagg with us. He even sat so good in his over sized seat belt :)

Katy and I switched off, she played with Taggart so I could help haul stuff in. I don't blame her for switching me, we moved to the 3rd floor!! Boy were all of us sweating, we were so quick though! We unloaded in an hour also. Marci went and got us Subway's after, it was nice to sit on the grass for a bit and relax.

Katy playing with Taggart

Billy and his dad

I never did get a picture of Wes or Marci, but we are so grateful for them and their help with moving. We seriously couldn't have done it without them. After we ate, the three of us headed back to our old place to clean etc. Taggart finally lost it around 5:00, he still hadn't taken a nap. Of course he fell asleep right when Billy was going to vacuum the room he was in. I can't wait til I finally have my own house, and not have to worry about moving every year or so. Now we just need to get unpacked and settled in our slightly smaller apartment. Wish us luck!

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