Thursday, April 28, 2011

Spring Fling with the West Lake Ward

I guess a tradition of our current ward is that every year around Easter time they have a silent auction where the youth and other ward members make things that they sell. The proceeds go to help the youth afford Youth Conference for the summer. Our Bishop makes homemade cheesecake every year. This year one of them went for over $200! We watched a short video clip about the Atonement and Easter then had breakfast. Taggart loved the pancakes, but didn't know what to think about the scrambled eggs. After Breakfast they had an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids, we took Taggart out to watch.

Mom loves the flip flops, Tagg is getting used to them!

I am so determined, lol love the chunky legs!
Afterwards we went to look at some new places to live. Our current manager decided to move and we found out our rent is going to probably be going up! That made us nervous, so we went to look at newer places. We found the place! We are moving to the:
Don't have the best picture but they are so cute, and we are so excited! We are moving at the end of May! These are located in Bluffdale, which is so much closer to work and school for Billy. We are excited to start somewhere new and save much needed money on GAS!!!!

1 comment:

  1. OOOhhhhhh. My girls were SO sad they didn't get to go to the easter egg hunt. I should have sent them with you! ;)
    So excited for your BIG move!
    Love Taggs chuny legs too! He's adorable!
