Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Owen 2 months Old

2 Month Stats
16.25 lbs: 99th %
24.2 in: 80th%
HC: 75th %
Weight to Length: 90th %
Doctor said he is proportionate and very healthy.
-Size 3 diapers
-wears some 3 months still, but mostly 6 or 9 mths
-Sleeps at least 5 or 6 hours at night, so basically is waking once.
-Can put himself to sleep, and is getting better at keeping his pacifier in.
-He is always trying to pull himself to sitting position.

I picked him right up, and he calmed down instantly!

Owen is such a sweetheart. Thankfully he has gotten over the colicky stage. I shouldn't type that, because I will probably jinx myself. But now that he is doing better with that and having the reflux medicine, he is such a happy baby. Owen is smiling and starting to goo and giggle at us. He enjoys tummy time most of the time, and actually for awhile I let him sleep on his belly because he did so well with it. He likes his bouncer the best out of bumbo, swing and bouncer. His favorite is to be held :) He did so well with his shots and only cried for like 1 minute.

We love Owen!

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