Saturday, May 12, 2012

Another Baby Story

I went to the doctor on April 26th, so I was just over 38 weeks along. I was dilated to a 3 and about 60% effaced. My Dr stripped my membranes, and I decided to set an inducement date for May 4. That way this would give me time to have my baby on my own, but ensure I wouldn't go over again. So we waited all week for something to happen, and the closest we got were me having more contractions, but they never got close enough together for it to be real labor. Thursday, May 3, the hospital called me and told me that the next day they would call me when they were ready for me to come (when there was a room available). They said I was number 6 on the list, and that the earliest I would hear from them would be 7:00. She told me if I hadn't heard from them by 10:00 to call them. So 10:00 comes around and I call and they tell me they are swamped and people just keep coming in, but to call back in a couple of hours. My sister Andrea had arrived Thursday night to be here to watch Taggart. Anyways to make a long DAY/NIGHT short, they never had room for me, but my Dr said that he was okay with coming in whenever and if I wanted to stay on the list I was welcome too. I was lucky because the 2 others who were ahead of me, their Dr's bumped them to a different day. I decided to stay on, and they called me 8:30 a.m. Saturday Morning. I was already nervous to be induced anyways, and all of this just made me stressed and worried, but we were all packed and ready to head out.
The before Picture, 39 Weeks and 4 Days

The nurse came in got me hooked up, the Dr broke my water, and I waited for more contractions to come. This time it seemed almost fake because I wasn't already in labor and I was just waiting for it to happen. It was crazy how fast it could happen. The Dr who did the epidural was great and did an amazing job, my meds didn't wear off this time, so really I wasn't ever too uncomfortable. I was so happy this time they let me drink water while there, that seemed to help a lot. I progressed quickly going from 4 to 5 in an hour, then to 7 in an hour, then ready to push. Pushed him out in 15 minutes, and he was a perfectly healthy baby boy. My Dr said he had jewelry, the cord was wrapped twice around his neck but not tight so it wasn't a concern! I was so grateful that everything went smoothly, only in labor for about 5 hours, and my baby got to stay with me!

Owen Terry Burk
May 5, 2012
4:08 P.M.
8 lbs 10 oz
21 inches long

One eye open and he looks like he has a hair lip :)
The nurse told me that they would have to get what they call a stretcher to move me from labor and delivery to my room where I would be staying.
She said I could use a wheelchair if I could stand on my legs. I said I will try the wheelchair because that would be less embarrassing. I ended up on the stretcher I couldn't hold my weight at all. Now for the fun part of Taggart meeting his baby brother :) We had lots of visitors come and I tried to get pictures of everyone, but I don't think I did.

I was trying to eat, but Taggart just wanted me, he probably layed like this for at least 10 minutes.

Look at the little tear in his eye :(

He was happy, just curious and confused I think.

Aunt Ashlynn and Owen
I think Taggart was more interested in all the fun things to play with at the hospital than his baby brother!
More to come in the next post, it is taking forever to load pictures so I am just going to continue in a new post.

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