Friday, April 16, 2010

Billy's Last quarter

Well I wish it was really his last quarter of school ever, but not even close. Someday!! Anyways he loved most of his classes this last time. He finally got a great teacher that he really likes and that will be staying at the Art Institute for a good long time. He learned how to make objects become animation and got to design many different things. I personally have no idea how he even does it, but he loves what he is doing and is very good at it. In fact he just started a new quarter and this quarter he has 3 of his projects from last quarter that will be hanging up in the school, or on the TVs at school so you can see the animation. He also made the Dean's Honor Roll this last quarter, I am very proud of him and the accomplishments he's making with school. He's really doing well, and let's just say I can't wait til he'll be finished. We were very happy to find out that this next quarter that just started gets over the week before I am due, then he gets 3 weeks off for summer break. So I'll be able to have him home more than if he had work and school. Now it will just be work:)

1 comment:

  1. Go billy! I'm glad he'll be there when you have your baby and that he'll have some freetime.
