Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Billy's Portfolio Show

Billy is finally finished with school :) We are so happy!! I am so proud of him and his accomplishments throughout his time going to school. He hasn't actually graduated yet, because the ceremony isn't until June, but he finished this past week. Now maybe our life can become more normal with work schedules and such. He had his Portfolio Show this last Thursday. This was where he could show off all of his work throughout his time at the Art Institute. He had his own table where potential employers could come and receive a resume and talk to him. It was a lot of fun to see him there with his stuff and talking to people. He even has a possible job lead, which we will find more out about later this week. That made us really excited, because we were not expecting that this soon. Hopefully it is what is in store for us. We will see. Taggart had fun just running up and down a hallway that he couldn't escape from, so it was nice to be able to let him walk around and not have to chase him too much. Thanks to Wes and Traci they chased him around for a long time and he was so entertained! Here are some pictures of that evening.
Just hanging in the stroller eating fruit snacks!

It would have been better if they had decent easels, but he made it work with what they gave him.

Lilly helped entertain the boy too :)

Receiving a pen for participating.

My handsome hubby and I :)

Our cute little family, it will be so weird when there is another baby in the pictures!

This video is Billy's DemoReel, it shows his modeling work. It is something that they do to go along with a resume to give to people at job interviews. At his show this was showing on a big screen for everyone to see. I think it turned out really great.

It was so nice of Billy's family to come and support him at this, we are just so grateful that we made it through school. At times it seemed like it was never ending!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow your husband is crazy talented. His work is awesome. I would give him a job just because his logo is so cool, I love that.
    I went to the Jr. Miss pageant too. Your sister did a great job, I really liked her dress.
