Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Taggart hit the big '20' month :)

Taggart is getting so smart. He seriously amazes me everyday. He is still not talking much. His words he says are few, ball, moo, mama, Dada, hello, bye bye,  oh and of course no. But he understands so much. I can ask him to go get something for me and he will. He is getting so good at building towers with his blocks all by himself, and even claps when he does now. He still loves looking at books all of the time, and usually looks at one in his crib when it's time for a nap or bedtime. He loves being at the computer, I usually make sure it is off so he can't do anything bad to it, but sometimes he gets to it when it is on. He loves my Ipad, Billy told me the other day that Taggart plays with it more than him. Ha ha, Taggart really doesn't get to play with it that often, I let him at church to occupy him and sometimes at home. I don't just let him take charge of it. He loves phones, he will pick up anything and hold it up to his ear and just talk and say hello. My favorite was when he picked up our huge remote and did that. He wishes that it was warmer more often outside so he could go out and play. His new favorite thing is to go to the basketball court, he loves watching the boys play and hold a basketball while he's out there. Too bad, sometimes the boys are not very nice and don't let him watch them. We usually know he's awake by hearing his blinds hit his window, or he is talking very loudly. Go in his room to get him and all of his stuff is thrown out of his crib. He loves to show you where his eyes, nose, ears, tongue and belly are. He also likes to show you your own too.  It has been fun being home with him. I always kiss his cheek or forehead and lately he has been coming up to me and leaning in for a kiss. He also has been such a mamma's boy lately and flips out if I leave, but then is fine after a second. I have a feeling he knows that he's going to be sharing me really soon.  Here are a few pictures of him from the last month.

Loves to knock over the blocks, we always try and see how high we can get it before he notices we made a new one.

Watching Mary Poppins on a day he wasn't feeling well.

Random kid at the mall with him. It's hard to let him play there, because the other kids just push and shove and climb up the slide. Etc,,,I'm hoping he doesn't pick up too many bad habits.
Don't mind my belly, but I thought he looked pretty cute, this was on Valentine's Day.

Taggart and Jandro ( His mom used to babysit Taggart for us)

Hadn't swung in forever, he loved it. Stayed in for probably 20 minutes.

On my Ipad, the only reason he has it to himself was so I could get a picture ;). Yes I am protective of it!!

He loves his belly :)

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