Monday, November 28, 2011

1 Month and Counting

Taggart has turned 17 months, and that means we only have 1 more until he goes to Nursery at church. We C A N N O T wait :) He is so hard to deal with at church. He just wants to roam and run around, and I'm positive it doesn't help that we have Sacrament Meeting last :( Taggart has started to scream when he wants something or if we take something away. It has been driving us crazy. We are so looking forward to him being able to communicate better so we know what he wants. For now, I suppose we let him be upset?! He has started to really catch on to things. When he wants something to eat he goes and gets it and brings it to Billy or I to open for him. He will bring us his shoes and coat when he wants to go outside. He has even started to grab our fingers and take us somewhere that he wants something. I think the cutest new thing he has been doing is that he will take either his dads cell phone or the pretend one and hold it up to his ear and actually talk like he is on the phone. It makes me smile every time.
He likes to feed us his food too.

He was running to give me a hug and tripped right into the computer chair, he had an actual dent!

My naughty boy who loves to get in the drawers, that he is obviously too big for.

He doesn't mind taking showers again, and never complains about the water in his face. We think that taking him to Cowabunga Bay this summer really helped with that.
Taggart loves to run to us when we have our arms open to give us a big hug and most of the time he gives us a huge wet kiss too. He cracks up when he hears me laughing, he starts making his own squeal to copy me. He thinks it is hilarious to kiss us with his mouth open because we always say eeeww! He loves to lift up his shirt or anyone elses to show us their belly. He has started eating a little better for us again, which is so nice. He is still taking at least one good nap each day and sleeping from 8:30-8:00 (8:30) in the morning. I swear he does something each day that totally cracks us up. It has been fun having time off from teaching school to be with him more, and you can tell that he is loving having me home more too. Which I won't complain about :)

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