Wednesday, August 24, 2011

4 Hour Drive!!!

Billy had a lot of homework and had to work all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I had talked to Amber about coming to visit over Labor Day weekend. That wasn't going to work out, so Tagg and I decided to attempt a 4 hour car drive alone. Ha Ha He fell asleep after about 15 minutes, but only slept an hour. We made it to Malad for a bathroom stop and to eat some lunch. Then onward to the rest area outside of Blackfoot. He never cried in the car on the way there so we did great. When we got to Amber's he immediately started playing in the water with Mylie.

Taggart kept getting a rock to carry around, it was cute. Mylie would take it back and put it where it went after he would drop it.

Nic acting like a pirate in their tree house :)

Nic is such a monkey!

After playing in the water, it was bath time! LOL It was great, because both of them wanted to stay in longer since they had someone to entertain them.

Tagg almost made it out!

After we got them in their jamas, Taggart kept seeing Mylie's Binkie so he wanted it and he took it right out of her mouth and put it in his.
Silly boy, he only gets his while napping/bedtime. I'm determined to take it soon!

Mylie is so excited because now they get to watch Barney

Tagg dumped out all the gold fish and Mylie said uh-oh and started picking them up.

We put the kids to bed, then Amber and I played cards and talked way too late. Friday morning was spent outside gathering produce from the garden. The boys were so excited because they knew if they got their chores finished they got to go to the water park!
Nic was having Taggart follow him around.

Ben and Amber in the garden :)

Now off to cool off :
Rexburg Rapids, it's like a miniature Cowabunga Bay

I hate when these places require a liner and a swim diaper. It is so annoying because it just makes the price go up. But we had a blast. One of the big slides wasn't working so we were only able to go on the yellow one, and it was a long wait. I was sad cuz I couldn't take Tagg with me, because it ends in a big pool and not like at Cowabunga Bay. It was so sad, because there was a little probably 3 yr old boy there that was lost, and the life guards kept walking around looking for his parents. When we left we saw them picking him up, their license plate was 4B, that's pretty far from Rexburg to leave your child. Hopefully he wasn't too traumatized!! It was so great to cool off!
After we got dressed and ready to go, Tagg and I headed to Idaho Falls to see two of my old roommates. We went to Angie's first, then to Amelia's. We had a blast eating dinner and just talking and catching up. We think it's totally crazy that we are married now and have kids.
Quinn and Tagg (Quinn is Angie's, he is one month older than Tagg)

Paysen (Amelia's 9 months)

Angie and Quinn

Me and Tagg, Ang and Quinn, Amelia and Kaylee (3 yrs. old) and Paysen

All of us again not sure which one is better, too bad I had my glasses, they glared.

I told Kaylee to smile, lol and she gave a total cheeser!!
It was so great to see these guys. They were the first roommates I ever had where I lived with no one I knew. We all got along and it was great, I even lived with them again. I so wish we lived closer,,, maybe someday! Taggart got home and was so wiped out he slept very well.
Saturday Morning:
This is what you get when you have a very independent 22 month old. LOL At least she had on her clothes still :)

I look at these pictures and just laugh, she is hilarious!
Then of course they want to go outside, it was so dreadfully hot though.
Following the black cat

I am guessing he loves animals, maybe he'll get a pet someday :)

The boys in the hammock, Nic, Tagg, and Andrew B.

It was cute, because Andrew was concerned about Taggart getting in, because he knew they flipped upside down and he thought Tagg would fall out.
Ben and Amber invited some of their neighbors/friends over for a barbecue that night. They even made homemade root beer, that is so yummy. It was so delicious, because I have been craving a grilled cheeseburger for months. Taggart loved it too, and even ate almost a whole one himself and baked beans. I have never given him a Popsicle and let him go free with it. Now I know why.
Onesie is stained!!

Time for a bath, I'm all sticky!!
After his bath this time I couldn't find the towels Amber had out for him earlier, so I used this:

We were laughing so hard, it was great!
Warning bare bums ahead ;)
We thought it was so funny how contrastive their skin was and how much skinnier Mylie is.

Asked for her pretty smile!

Gotta love Tagg's Hair!

After getting the babies down for bed, Nic wanted to lay by me and play Angry Birds with me on my phone. He is such a cutie.
Tagg woke up way too early for me Sunday. He had a way bad poopy diaper. I could tell he wasn't feeling well so he just watched Mickey Mouse, for a bit then went back to sleep.
We went to Sacrament Meeting, then packed up and headed out for our long 4 hour trip home. Taggart slept for 2 hours this time, but unfortunately right before Brigham City he threw up. So I pulled over changed him cleaned it up and headed back out. Not much later he kept throwing up again and again :( It made for lots of stops to try and clean up as best we could. I couldn't wait to get home again. He was a trooper, but both Billy and I got it too so that wasn't fun. But I suppose it happens to all of us. I am just glad that he is feeling better and still sleeping well.

1 comment:

  1. What? You were in Idaho Falls and you didn't come see me? Ha ha...just kidding. Love the updates. Tagg is so cute!
