Monday, March 28, 2011

9 Months and Counting!!!!

We try and get out in the stroller as often as we feel like it's warm enough. Taggart always gets really excited to go. It's very cute. Here is a video of him swinging at the park with mom.

On our way to take the red box back, it was kinda windy :)

I'm such a big boy

Swinging on moms lap

We finally bought a make shift toy box for all of his toys. I get sick of them being everywhere! He loves to crawl inside and pull everything out, but sometimes he gets stuck.

I had to put this one on of his alfalfa hair, ignore the mess in the background :S
Nine Month Stats at the Doctor
25 pounds- 95th Percentile
30 1/2 Inches Long- 100th Percentile
Head- 75th Percentile
( We asked the dr what the head percentile means, and he said that being in the 75th is right where they want kids)
Here are some pictures from our day at the Dr's office, we had plenty of time to take some, because we have to WAIT forever,,,,,,,

His thunder thigh!!

He kicked his foot right through the paper

At Nine months Taggart is
-Crawling all over the place, and into everything
-Eating solids at least 3 times a day, and is becoming a very good eater
-Loving to read books with us, and really pays attention to the book and pictures now
-Becoming more and more talkative, and he has quite the lungs
-Pulling himself up to everything and loves to be standing
-I've started the Your Baby Can Read with him, and so far he is enjoying that, hopefully it works :)
-Loves listening to us sing to him, especially primary songs before he goes to bed
-In size 6 diapers, and 18 mth plus clothes
-Still loves taking baths, but he is making me more nervous, cuz he likes to stand up
-Has his two middle bottom teeth, and 4 on top that are just trying to break through

Dad and Taggart at the park, he had fun going down the slide with dad
Me being silly running with Taggart in the stroller

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Utah Grizzlies

We totally lucked out and got 4 free tickets for the Grizzlies game this past week. We invited Matt, Kira, and Jett to come along. Byron and Evelynn also joined us. To start off the night we went to Applebees for dinner, and we all got the 2 for $20.  But little did we know that we would be waiting to place our order for 45 minutes, waiting 25 more for our appetizer and 30 more for dinner. Lol Good thing Matt asked when our food was coming so that we got it. We were a few minutes late for the game but so were most the other people there.

The Cox Family

Our Family

Tagg and Dad

Ev, Byron, Kira, Matt, Jett, Tagg, Alicia

Tagg teaching Jett some dance moves

I love to see the temple

Our lunch/movie date
Billy actually had a Friday and Saturday off in a row! We decided to take full advantage, lol. We planned a Lunch/Movie Date. We went to Five Guys with our gift card (Thanks Aunt Lori) and to the Megaplex to see Unknown. It was nice to get out and do something just us two, even though we always miss Taggart when we go.

If you can't tell, we're still as in love as we were the day we got married, or wait maybe we're more in love.

On Saturday we got to go to the Salt Lake temple to do an endowment session together. Both of us have only been there once before but not together. We had a great time and even got to be the witness couple it was really neat. I love to see and go to the temple. It always makes me feel so lifted by the spirit and closer to Billy and my Heavenly Father. I wish we got there more often!

I stood up to get close to the water and thought there was another step, ha ha ha and I totally stepped in the wading pool. Oh well, I don't think many people noticed.

Friday, March 4, 2011

8 Months Old

I don't know why my computer is being really weird and won't let me see the pictures, it's only showing me text where they are at. So I am going to have to very creatively try and get this post going. For the month of February we have a couple birthdays on Billy's side of the family, so we did dinner and games with them. That was fun, and it's getting more fun for Taggart cuz he loves to play with everything! This year has been interesting because we now have church at 1:00 and so Taggart can have one nap before but he still gets pretty restless.

This is a picture of him one day before church, and he was so tired, and I was so sad to have to wake him up. He has started sleeping like this. It's so cute and pretty interesting because I love to sleep on my belly too.

My poor little guy has been sick, not horribly but enough that I was concerned and took him to the Dr. He didn't have RSV, but luckily we were able to get some medicine that would help his nose not have so much snot. Seriously I don't know where it came from. On the downside the medicine helped him sleep through the night, so for a week I had a full nights sleep, ya that was temporary, oh well though I still love him.
We got to have Aunt Peanut come for a visit, we had fun playing the wii, going out to eat, downloading songs for our i-pods and eating (of course) Peanut talked Tagg and i into riding back to Twin Falls with her since the Grace boys had a bball game in Kimberley, and my parents were coming. I got work figured out and we were all set on our way. Taggart was asleep and doing good, but then it got a little too loud in the car so he woke up, and needless to say it was one of the worst car rides EVER!! He was so unhappy and I didn't know what to do for him. It was nice to finely arrive at her apartment. He even slept pretty good. And just a side note I never want to live with roommates again, holy cow people are so loud and very messy. Enough Said!! We went to the game, sadly they lost. It was good to see the family even with Jayden the whole way home "Baby Taggart is Loud!" Lol he was cracking me up, he has a thing with babies making noise even if they are happy. Luckily Taggart finally fell asleep. I didn't get any pictures, but we had fun. Thanks mom for bringing us back to meet Billy in Ogden.

The other day it was remotely warm, we thought break out the shorts. Not really but we decided to go to Lindsey Gardens ( a park where Billy always went with his dad growing up) Taggart got to swing for the first time, he seemed to like it. He is just a happy little guy. I took him down the slide but am excited for when he can go by himself.
Don't you love Taggart's Teeth?? So cute, now we're waiting for his front two to come through. You can see them, but they aren't out yet.

Me watching to make sure he didn't accidentally fall out

Tagg and I swinging, we're cute <3

Taggart and Dad by the huge tree!

Our cute family, I'm digging the glasses ;)

Taggart wanted to get to the frog, it was so cute watching him "scoot" to him

Taggarts new thing is pulling himself up to the couch, but he face plants, and he got a huge red mark :(