Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Baby Shower #1 and the Sound of Music

Me and Peanut, she wrote down everything I got
Carol Williams, Grace, and Lilly

Amber doing the Price is Right game

Ashlynn, Mylie and Cheese, I mean Andrew B lol love how he makes me laugh so much!!

We went to the play an hour early because we wanted to be able to get good seats. So we just sat there for quite awhile just talking and waiting. The play was pretty good, I liked it. It was weird to remember it from when I was in 4th grade, and Velvet and Breck had been in it also. Cuz I can't even remember being that young. Ashlynn was a postulant and a maid, and Brando was Friedrich. They both did well and I got some good laughs.

Me and Melanie, yes I am definitely larger than her! I always have been, she is 5 weeks behind me though.

The cake Becky and Lily made for me :)

My mom and sisters put together a baby shower for me in Grace. We had it at the church in the gym and quite a few people were able to come. It was good to see some old friends, especially Melanie whom I hadn't seen in about a year. The last time we had seen each other was when we went to Chris's funeral together. We still talk all the time but our schedules always overlap so we never were able to catch each other. It was weird for both of us to be pregnant, but it's also exciting.


  1. You look great! I am excited that you are having a girl! I hope that things continue to go well for you! It looks like you got really spoiled at your shower! You deserve it!!

  2. Hey! You look great! How much longer do you have?

  3. It was so sad. I was in Grace during your shower and we had been in Grace for a couple of weeks so I never got the invitation until a week after it happened, when we got back to Rexburg. Sorry I missed it. It would have been great to see you.

  4. Hey Mom! :) When you get time you have sooo much to update :) Love you girl and so excited for you and billy! Yeah for Taggart! Take your time and enjoy it. Maybe your sister can do a blog update for you. WOO HOO again!
