Wednesday, April 25, 2012

22 Months

Taggart has been waking up earlier unfortunately. So basically my day consists of him waking up, getting him out of his bed. He immediately grabs my finger and drags me to the DVD player. He wants to watch his new show from Easter, The Little Engine that Could. He grabs the case and makes an excited noise, then sits in the banana chair to get ready to watch. He will literally sit and watch the whole thing. Then after the movie is over he wants to eat, but man his appetite has decreased. I can't decide if he was just a pig :) before, and now it's caught up with him or what. But he will only eat like some yogurt, or a granola bar, or string cheese for breakfast. Then he might want a snack a couple hours later, but doesn't always ask for one. He has been taking his nap around noon, and sleeps 2 to 2 1/2 hours usually. I have been indulging in my own nap at that time, if I have nothing else pressing to do, like get in the shower and do house work ;) ha ha. He wakes up and is ready for lunch. Where he used to eat a whole PB&J sandwich now I am lucky if he will eat half. But at least he will still eat and it's not that he is picky he just isn't eating as much. He always wants his shoes on to go out and play. So if I have enough energy then we go out to play. It has been more fun to take him outside, because he has been staying at the playground and going down the slide over and over, instead of trying to run away from me. He is getting so smart with all of his toys and I have fun playing with him during the day. When his dad gets home he squeals and runs to the door and gives him a hug, and usually tries to get him to take him outside again, or especially if I haven't taken him out that day. It is so cute to see him get so excited when his dad gets home :)
He is fascinated with climbing in and out of this little jumper.

Playing airplane with dad.

Taggart loves to take his dad to our bed and lay down, then he wants him to tickle him and tease him. Taggart laughs and laughs, it is so cute. He also has been loving to bring us the camera and smile for a picture. So we have a few pictures of when he wanted his taken.

He is also wanting to do things all by himself, especially stairs. He is getting really good at it.

Sometimes because of how Taggart is sitting or what he is doing, it cracks me up, so I just have to take a picture. I can't believe how big he is getting. I always love getting pictures of him when he is in his church clothes, cuz he always looks so handsome.

Just checking out his fruit loops

Major bedhead day eating a grilled cheese
I've been trying to talk to Taggart about his new baby brother who will be here soon. He always just pats his own belly, so I don't think he really knows what is going on or anything. I was getting the baby clothes out and setting up the bassinet and stuff, and kept telling him this is for your baby brother. So we'll see how he does when he actually gets here. I took him visiting teaching with me the other day and one of them has a 4 month old and Taggart just kept patting her bum softly and was so interested, he was very nice. So I can hope right??
He has been so into running lately that he runs into stuff, see his 2 goose eggs? It makes me sad, but seriously I can't believe how he barely cries for a minute and then is fine if he even cries at all.

This is me and my little buddy, I am sad that he is not going to be the baby anymore, but he will be such a good big brother.
Taggart is learning so many new skills, like kicking and throwing balls. Showing us what he wants and he even has been helping me put the laundry in the washer and dryer, and that is just too cute. I am so grateful that I have a little helper. We sure love our little man. Next big thing?? Maybe potty training?? Ha I wish, guess we will see.

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